Digital Prints

Portfolio: Digital Printing  2017-2019

Project: Digital Printing

Here I superimpose images that thought can distill, complete, reinvent, or canonize using the image to explain what is seen in a kind of narrative.

We come from a mold. Those of us who find wisdom from ages past are likened to the old soul. Those who are light worthy from the present are likened to the rainbow, crystal or indigo child. Placing ourselves, growing and learning about ourselves from this mold, alerts us to questions about who and what we are. Are we the terror or the magic? The one who sits by? That which we are might not be apparent.  We ask the question–Who am I?

These prints show situations and complex issues through the overlay of images that envelop into and are mysteriously jaded by what is on the page.

Meaning is found from figurative imagery and other conceptual devices that add to the work. The environment of the image is telling. It helps define what is already there.

With each piece, the project and the idea grow. Conceptually, there are many intertwining ways in which these images can be connected and this project is an exploration of such a journey, a journey that is ongoing and reinvents itself through constant change.